Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Body Shop Camomile Silk Cleansing Oil

Hello Margaritas! 
Well .. like everything , makeup and beauty also has deception … and deception comes with products, products that you get , you try … and you just don't get anything good out of them.

So this time the product that DISAPPOINTED me is…..The Body Shop´s Camomile cleansing oil, an don't get me wrong I absolutely love The Body Shop !!! But like everything in this world , some things are just not meant to be, no matter how much you wanted it to work for you (cause it a huge bottle) or how many times you use it hoping this time it might magically be different.

Im a big fan of cleansing oils , Its the easiest way to get rid of heavy waterproof makeup in seconds without being harsh and drying your skin, Ive tried quite a lot of them , and I know that a lot of people love the Camomile one from The Body Shop as it is very gentle and works with all skin types (also is very affordable). But in my case it just didn't remove my makeup the way others do , and it kept getting inside my eyes (It doesn't hurt or cause any pain if it gets inside your eyes) cause the formula is very thick , and It just doesn't work as it should , cause I had to use something else after this to remove the rest of my eye makeup before I fully cleanse my face.

So not to ramble a lot about this , the smell is good (Camomile flowers of course) and I guess if you don't wear a lot of makeup it might do wonders for you.

Let me know if you have used this product , and how do you feel about it?

Always wishing you a lifetime of amazing makeup (with no disappointments).

Muchos Besos


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